‘Every child counts, every moment matters’


Music has always been an important part of life at Britannia as we know how much it benefits the children in so many ways. Studies and many schools’ own experiences have shown that, as well as being intrinsically valuable as a subject, music:

- readies children for learning across the curriculum;

- improves memory by stimulating both hemispheres of the brain;

- has unrivalled connectivity across the whole curriculum;

- correlates with improved progress in a range of other subjects.

We are fortunate that our Music Scheme - Charanga is constantly updated to meet government standards across all year groups. One of the adaptations they have made is the use of sign language. Some units will be teaching children how to sign a song - absolutely fantastic.

We look to provide all round enrichment opportunities that offer children the opportunity to experience a trip to the theatre, listening to an orchestra and visitors to school. This incldded a visit from The Bethany Project in October 2023 - who shared their love of singing with us in assembly.

Over the last few years our love of singing has grown immensely and use every opportunity to include it within any events and assemblies taking part.
Throughout the school year we have enjoyed our weekly celebration assemblies, Harvest Festival, Christingle, Carol Service.
In our weekly Celebration Assembly the music for Happy Birthday is played on the cornet by our talented children.

We are very much looking forward to our KS2 Summer production which promises to be absolutely fantastic as they are a very talented group of young people.

We have a specialist teacher from Lancashire Music Service who teaches 1;1 lessons and over the school year Y3 learn to play ukulele, Y4 keyboard, Y5 violin.. 

Following on from last years brass tuition with Whitworth and Healey Band Club, 6 children have continued with lessons.This tution is continuing in Y5.

Our Nativity is always a highlight of the year  – the children sang beautifully. Our YR class performed a selection of Christmas song and it was fabulous – we certainly have some future stars in our midst!
Choir hope to visit Olive House to sing carols and to chat with the residents there.

Choir is held every Wednesday and we enjoy listening to choir perform in assemblies and at events. Choir was invitied to sing at the opening of The Family Hub at the Maden Centre to huge applause.

Choir attended the Young Voices concert held at Manchester Arena - a fabulous event for all involved.

Music is certainly enjoyed and loved within school - long may it continue.

Updated: June 2024

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