COVID-19 Information for Parents
Here is the Remote Learning Code of Conduct:
- You must be fully dressed and not in pyjamas.
- You have your computer/ tablet or phone in a communal area of the house.(Kitchen, living room, dining room )
- You are not in your bedroom.
- You talk respectfully and follow our school rules.
- Login on time and don’t turn on your microphone until asked to.
- Passwords for Google Classroom must be kept confidential.
- You must not record, photograph or post anything online without consent of those in the image/footage or recording.
During these difficult times we acknowledge that changing guidance is difficult to keep up with so we have included these links to try and support the school community in staying safe.
NHS - Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus
DFE Guidance for Full Opening- Government Guidance.
Government Guidance -FAQ What you Can and Can't Do
North West (including Lancashire) Local Restrictions
Lancashire Telgraph Q and A about Local Lockdown
Celebrating A Child's Brithday During Coronavirus
Support Your Child's Mental Health
DfE update on the launch of the new NHS Covid-19 app
The NHS COVID-19 app (‘the app’) is a key part of the country’s ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) response and is designed to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) by alerting people who may have been exposed to infection so that they can take action.
- The app is available to download for anyone aged 16 and over if they choose to do so.
- For some young people, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), parents will need to decide whether or not their use of the app is appropriate.
- The agreed process for ensuring a setting is aware of a positive case is still in place and is not changed by the introduction of the app
- Use of the app does not replace the requirement of individuals to social distance or to report positive cases to the setting
- Use of the app change does not change the processes of escalation if there any positive cases linked to education settings.
- The app uses the minimum amount of personal data possible, which means it will not know if that contact took place in an education setting.
- Settings should inform all students, in particular those who are under 18, to inform a member of staff if they receive a notification during the school / college day
- Schools and FE providers are not expected to create NHS QR code posters for their normal day to day operations but where needed, go to create NHS QR code posters online for free
Six key functions of the App
- Trace – alerts the individual if they were in close contact with a confirmed case
- Alert – provides the individual with the risk level associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) in their local area, based on the postcode district they enter
- Check in – allows the individual to check in to locations via the app and official NHS QR codes
- Symptoms – allows the individual to check symptoms against government guidance and to get advice
- Test – allows the individual to order a free test and to receive results and advice via the app
- Isolate – provides an isolation ‘companion’, which counts down how many days they have left to isolate and provides links to useful advice
Please find below some useful information for parents to support the school community.