‘Every child counts, every moment matters’

Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Ennis


Mr O'Keefe

Year 3 class teacher.

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page!

Welcome to Spring 2! We hope that everyone had a great break and we look forward to seeing the days getting longer and brighter!

Teacher - Mr. O'Keefe     Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Ennis 


PE - Please wear your PE kit to school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. 

Reading books will be changed every Wednesday - please make sure they are brought to school.

Spellings will be tested every Thursday, with new spellings sent out the following day. 

Homework is set on Century Tech every Friday, children will be expected to complete all of the set homework tasks by the following week. 




Within English this half-term we’ll be studying the riveting history of the Romans. By the end of the unit, children will have created a tri-fold non-fiction leaflet about Roman life and will know plenty of key facts about their existence.


In our Math’s sessions, we will be concentrating on capacity and volume. Before we know it, we will be moving onto our second Maths No Problem book which covers units such as money, fractions, time and shape. It is also really important that children develop their knowledge of multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times table this year. We will spend a lot of time working on this in school, however, it is incredibly beneficial for children to practice this at home as well where possible. 


We’re delving into the skeletal system of different animals in science. Children will learn about Endo, Exo and Hydrostatic skeletons, along with getting a grasp on the key bones within the human body, before finally understanding the importance of muscles.


Children will spend a number of weeks looking at the topic 'Coasts'. Children will learn about significant coasts in the British Isles, they will consider some of the 
advantages and disadvantages of living by the coast, and they will also gain an insight into how much of the UK’s coasts has changed from a focus on fishing to 
one on tourism.


This half term children will be creating pneumatic monster boxes in our ‘mechanisms’ topic - so very soon children will need to bring in a cardboard shoe box as we each need to create a monster!


  This half-term children will be getting stuck in to some tag-rugby sessions with coach Dan. The other time spent will be completing problem solving and teamwork based PE games with Mr. O'Keefe.  


If you have any concerns or queries regarding your child over the course of the year, please don't hesitate to get in touch via email. 

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Year 3: News items

Sports Day 2024, by Mrs Dempsey

Summer Fair, by Mrs Dempsey

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