Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Ennis
Mr O'Keefe
Year 3 class teacher, PE and Geography lead.
Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page
Welcome to Autumn term!
Teacher - Mr. O'Keefe Teaching Assistants - Mrs. Ennis and Miss Brooke
We cannot wait to get started on a new academic year filled with fantastic learning!
Routines of the day
School doors open at 8:45am and the register is done at 8:55am. During this time, children complete arithmetic problems to master their Mathematical understanding.
Playtime in Year 3 is at 10:20-10:35am. Families can purchase toast and milk for children to have at this time, or alternatively, children can bring in a healthy snack to eat, such as fruit.
School finishes at 3:25pm and children in Year 3 must be collected from the KS2 playground. If your child is in an extra-curricular club, they will need to be collected from the office once the club has finished.
We strongly encourage children to bring their book bags in everyday, which should contain their reading record and book.
During the Autumn and Winter period of the year, please could all children bring a weather-proof coat with them to school.
PE lessons are taught twice a week. Children must wear their PE kits to school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
PE Kit – trainers, black shorts or green shorts and a green PE T-shirt with a logo, or black/navy/dark grey tracksuit bottoms or thick
leggings. They should wear their school jumper over the top of their PE T-Shirt. Alternative hoodies are not allowed.
On days where children access an extra-curricular sports club, children are allowed to come to school wearing their PE kit.
During the Autumn term, Year 3 have the amazing chance to learn how to play the ukulele with Mr. Williams (Music Teacher). Children are able to bring home a ukulele once they have signed and returned the corresponding letter which will be sent home after the first lesson.
Each Friday, children will bring home their homework book, which will contain 1-2 pieces of homework to complete for the following Thursday. Children can return their homework book to school at any point before the Thursday deadline. Unfortunately if children do not return their homework book to school before Friday morning (with all homework completed), they will have to stay in during part of their lunchtime to complete the tasks.
The homework tasks are designed to be completed independently by the children; however, parental support is crucial in making sure that children foster a positive relationship between school and home - this may be in the form of checking through the answers together, or simply talking through children's thought process when answering questions.
Children also have a weekly set of spellings to practice. On a Friday, the class teacher will send out a list of spellings through school spider, and then every Thursday morning children will be tested. Children should bring home with them a slip of paper afterschool on Thursday which reviews how they performed in their spelling test - any spellings which are incorrect should be continued to be practiced at home.
It is also vitally important that children engage in multiplication and division fact practice during the year to develop their Mathematical knowledge. The easiest way of doing this is by accessing TTRockstars online - children's login details can be found inside their reading record.
How to get in touch
If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your child or their education, please don't hesitate to get in touch via email.
You can access the teacher through their personal email at [email protected] (please be mindful that a response can take up to 5-7 working days).
If you need to contact school urgently, please contact the office by calling 01706 874447 or emailing [email protected]
Useful Websites
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Files to Download
Year 3: News items
FUNDA Holiday Camp, by Mrs Dempsey
Funda Holiday Camp, by Mrs Dempsey
Year 3: Calendar items
Year 3 & Year 4 Trip to Halle For Youth, by Mrs Dempsey