‘Every child counts, every moment matters’

Year 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Connolly

Y6 class teacher, Computing, Spanish and Pupil Premium lead.

Miss Nestor



Welcome to Year 6! The teacher in Year 6 is Miss Connolly and our wonderful TA is Miss Nestor. 


Our PE days are a Wednesday and a Friday this half term so please send your children into school with their PE kits on these days. In the rare event PE is moved to another day or cancelled, I will send you a message via the School Spider app to inform you so please make sure you are checking this regularly and have notifications switched on.

Points to Note/Homework:

In 'files to download' (green), I have uploaded our class newsletter for this half term (Summer 2) which informs you about our curriculum learning for this half term but also of any extra-curricular/additional activities which may be happening in school and important dates. I have also uploaded a copy of our class timetable for this term. Homework will usually be sent home as a hard copy but I shall remind you of this weekly and notify you if anything will be different.

Celebration of work/What we get up to in Y6: 

Files to Download

Year 6: News items

Sports Day 2024, by Mrs Dempsey

Summer Fair, by Mrs Dempsey

Year 6: Blog items

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Year 6: Gallery items

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Year 6: Calendar items

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