This week in Reception... wb 13.09.2021
Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 11:09am
What an amazing week we have had in Reception! We have been learning about how to take deep breaths to calm down if we are a little upset and we have been learning about the Britannia Bee Rules.
The children have made their own train and have encouraged everyone to join in. They are such lovely, kind children.
This week we have been looking at things that match, for example, matching pairs of socks and also items that go together (knife and fork, cup and saucer). If you could look at this at home with your child that would be very helpful.
The children have also made magic potions with their Year 6 Gardener - I am sure you loved taking the concoctions home!
Vocabulary we have learnt/are still learning this week:
ruckus - making a lot of noise
matching - the same
pair - two
Makaton - a way to talk with your hands
ridiculous - very silly
Please have a look at these words with your child to help them use them in their play and conversations.
We have been running the Reception Baseline Assessment which is almost all complete.