Reception Learning wb 08.11.2021
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 3:41pm
WOW! What a busy week we have had!
We have been working on the class Nativity every afternoon. Please help your child to learn their lines off by heart this weekend.
We have made our own poppies for Remembrance Day yesterday and all took part in a two minute silence. We know that in the past, some brave soldiers helped to keep us all safe and now it is time for us to say thank you.
Books have not been changed today as I am two members of staff down! Mrs Wright and Mrs Bromley will be off for another week. I have two additional helpers in class and so I will get books out to you on Monday.
Next week we are learning all about 2D shapes. We will be reading a trilogy of books about shapes, the first one of which is all about Triangle. I have made a copy and attached it here on the files so that you can read it with your child at home.
We will be continuing to learn about diversity and inclusion. All the children know to take care of one another no matter how someone looks, or what they wear, where they live or what they eat. We are kind to everyone.